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config files and packages

Apologies in advance for a very much newbie question. I'm trying to make the transition from Mandrake to Debian (stable right now, with plans to track testing once I get stable working). There are a bunch of things that Mandrake auto-configured that I'm going to have to configure manually with Debian. I figure I can take care of most of them by comparing configurations between the two distros and porting over the stuff I need.

My question is a little more basic, though. I still don't completely understand Debian package management, especially the way it handles config files during upgrades. Can I just edit files under /etc as necessary? What happens to them when I upgrade - are the upgrade scripts smart about keeping my changes, or do I need to tell the package manager about them explicitly? If it's as simple as the package manager not touching anything under /etc that I've modified, what happens down the line when an application changes its config file format?

thanks in advance,
Jeff Cours

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