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Re: Caught 'em!

> Open the Maccrisken letter in OpenOffice 1.0.1 . Go to File->Properties
> in the menu. Hit the "General" tab if it's not already there. It reads
> (in part):
> Created: 09/05/2002, 13:10:00, Peter Passell
> Modified: 09/05/2002, 13:11:00, Michael Wendy
> Maccrisken is a fellow who I trounced (if I may say so) in an editorial
> argument on CNET a while back. Passell is listed on the staff of the
> Institute. Milken the Junk-Bond King is the chairman of said institute.
> Oh, they are _such_ toast.
> Thanks
> Bruce

yo bruce. not to be a complete dingbat bro, but, what's this all about?


take it easy bro and F H-Paq! a little baiting never hurt anyone! har har.


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