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Re: Writing a kernel building walkthrough - proofreaders wanted

At 2002-09-13T17:42:56Z, Vineet Kumar <debian-user@virtual.doorstop.net> writes:

> * Kirk Strauser (kirk@strauser.com) [020913 09:33]:

>> which is more straightforward and won't potentially leave a newbie in
>> dselect hell if they make a typo and can't back out of it.

> You can always back out of it.  Hit 'X'.  Try '?k' for more help on
> keystrokes.

I know that.  You know that.  A new user (or one operating at the level that
this HOWTO was aiming at) would very likely *not* know that.  Hey, I don't
mind dselect, even if I rarely use it, but its interface makes the OpenBSD
installer look pretty easy and verbose.  :)

> One reason why something like dselect/aptitude is better is because one
> may not know what version of the kernel is available, or what they want.

As a shortcut, 'apt-get install kernel-source' will return a list of
available versions, although it won't go into detail about what each package
actually is.

> Maybe this HOWTO could just say 'apt-get install kernel-source-<version>'
> and have a reference to another document describing how to search for
> packages with apt-cache, apt-file, and http://packages.debian.org .

That would seem like a reasonable compromise.
Kirk Strauser
The Strauser Group - http://www.strausergroup.com/

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