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cron stopped working, permission denied message in auth.log

Hi all,

I'm rather lost with this problem, which has caused cron to stop
functioning on my debian unstable system. No ideas really on what might
be going on, but /var/log/auth.log is filled with messages like:

Sep 10 20:32:01 maui cron(pam_unix)[22140]: session opened for user root
by (uid=0)
Sep 10 20:32:01 maui CRON[22140]: Permission denied
Sep 10 20:33:01 maui cron(pam_unix)[22247]: session opened for user root
by (uid=0)
Sep 10 20:33:01 maui CRON[22247]: Permission denied

I'd appreciate your help... Please CC me on any replies, since I'm not

"They that can give up liberty to obtain 
a little temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
  - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

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