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RE: Why mailing-lists? Usenet have been invented, I hear. ;-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Gaiser [mailto:jerryg@gaiser.org]
> This is the third time I've subscribed to debian-user. Each time I
> in disgust because of the attitude of a few posters. Debian is *not*
> easiest distribution to install, but some of you folks are not helping
> your cause.

I agree with Jerry. Consider that as a new user of this list, I began
with a post asking about ext3. I found the responses to be overall very
helpful, although at first rather terse. Encouraged, I responded to a
thread about the structure of the list itself, namely the use of
reply-to headers. Instead of responding materially to my points, one
poster, for example, made mention of my use of Outlook as a mail client,
apparently attempted to embarrass or attack me. This is, of course, a
variation of ad hominem. This argument is so common and recognizable in
the computing field it can be given a special name, let us call it the
'ad technium' fallacy.

The 'ad technium' fallacy is that the technology that one *uses* implies
something about the correctness of their argument. So when someone
attacks a user of this list for using Outlook (e.g., me) they are not
considering that that person might not want to be using outlook, and, in
fact, are using this list in order to stop using Outlook. (But not all
criticism of technology usage is 'argumentum ad technium', especially in
advocacy debates.)

Despite this, I have stayed on to read, and for each arrogant, petty and
bullying user of this list (perhaps tolerated because of some small
sliver of actual knowledge), there are many more kind, courteous and
patient experts (revered not only for great knowledge but also for just
being Good People) more than happy to pass on some of the enormous and
intricate wisdom of the field.

To those especially who consistently use 'argumentum ad technium' to
bolster ego and effect an elitist posture, I say , ha! You just don't
get it! This is a forum that admires reason and correctness, the
ultimate antithesis of the logical fallacy you employ with such
sophomoric glee.

Good day,
Josh Rehman, Linux Guru Wannabe (LGW)

P.S. If any Latin speakers out there could help me come up with a better
name for "argument from technological elitism" that would be great.

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