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Re: syslog-ng

On Sat, 31 Aug 2002, Phillip Hofmeister wrote:

> All,
> For some reason when I upgraded to syslog-ng some time ago (removing
> sysklogd) my kern.log stopped showing.  My syslog-ng.conf file seems to
> include a kern.log

	Yep. That happened to me too. Somebody, somewhere, sometime,
posted a solution that helped me to get it working back again.

	All you need to do is to change the "source" line for the kernel
log in syslog-ng.conf:

		source src { unix-dgram("/dev/log"); internal(); };

	Needs to be changed to

		source src {

	And kill HUP syslog-ng (or restart it, whatever). And that's it.

> Can anyone think why it would not be showing anything in kern.log?

	Nop. Don't know. Notice, however, that it changes from a dgram to
a stream socket type. Perhaps the reason is there:

	From syslog-ng.conf:

       * unix-dgram <filename> - reads messages  from  the  given
       AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM socket (BSDi style)

       *  unix-stream  <filename> - reads messages from the given
       AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM socket (Linux style)

	Anyway, it should work. Hope this helps.



// ------------------------------------------------------------------- \\
   "Todos somos ignorantes. Sólo que en diferentes temas..."

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