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Re: bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable

Alex Withers said:
> Hello, I've recently installed Debian 3.0 on a home machine.  After
> logging into the machine through xdm I open an xterm with no trouble but
> when I try to spawn another xterm it hangs for a few seconds before
> spitting out the message: "bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable".

usually this would be fixed by upping your limits with ulimit as your
research shows, but if your running out of resources after loading 1
xterm, theres gotta be something else going on, in the first xterm
run top and check the kernel log (dmesg) to see if theres any messages.

using debian's defaults I have no problems loading 20-30 terminals along
with my other apps, mozilla, staroffice, opera, about a dozen ssh
sessions, afterstep etc ..

you can adjust your process limits with ulimit -u ..but as above if your
running out this fast I don't think that is the problem, something
else seems to be eating resources


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