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Log rotation and other regular jobs

I am trying to understand how log rotation and other regular tasks 
work.  I thought I understood cron and didn't need anacron but find 
it's installed anyway now and it's emailing me daily, weekly & 
monthly reports and I've worked out that it's being called by cron 
from /etc/crontab ... all well and good and I think I can see .  Also 
my direct entries into root's crontab are working fine.  

However, I don't really understand what's rotating my mail logs.  I 
can see that some things are rotated by logrotate which is called 
daily by cron but can rotate at whatever pace is set for the log in 
/etc/logrotate.conf (e.g. for /var/log/wtmp) or in a file for each 
package in /etc/logrotate.d

Trouble is that I can't see that mail logs are rotated by that (I run 
postfix logging to /var/log/mail.log etc.)  I think they would be 
rotated by cron.weekly savelog using sysklogd-listfiles to give a 
list of logs to rotate (I'm guessing this bit).  However, cron.weekly 
is Emailing me this:
/etc/cron.weekly/sysklogd: syslogd-listfiles: command not found
/etc/cron.weekly/sysklogd: syslogd-listfiles: command not found
and I think that may be because I'm running syslog-ng not sysklogd 
(syslog-ng is the only "sys" in ps aux output)....

but my mail logs are getting rotated every Sunday at a time varying 
from 07.37 to 08.18 to judge from the timestamps on the files.  I'd 
really like to understand how this is happening, not least because I 
want to stop them being compressed and set up pflogsumm to run 
immediately after the rotation on the last week's log.

Anyone help?  


PSYCTC: Psychotherapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Counselling
   and Therapeutic Communities; practice, research, 
   teaching and consultancy.
Chris Evans & Jo-anne Carlyle
http://psyctc.org/ Email: chris@psyctc.org

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