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libpng problems

I'm running Sid, and I've been having some problems with the libpng2 -
libpng3 migration. I've been able to iron out most of my problems,
either by switching to new programs or using versions for testing, but
I've run into one I don't quite understand.

I use GQView on a regular basis, but haven't really touched it since the
last time I did an apt-get upgrade (several weeks ago). I noticed that
all the GTK widgets were either funky or missing, and, sure enough, it
was a problem with libpng (I use a pixmap/pixbuf GTK theme).

I tried to grab a different version, but gqview is the same version
across woody/sarge/sid. So I grabbed the source and tried compiling.

It compiled fine, but I get the same errors when I try and run the
program -- Basically, it was compiled with libpng3, but is trying to run
with libpng2. 

How can I get it to compile and run with the same version? Any help
would be greatly appreciated!


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