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Re: SIOCADDRT : No such device


When you configured your kernel (with 'make menuconfig' or 'make
xconfig'), did you select the rtl8139 driver? This is under the
Network Devices options, 10/100 MBPS. I personally suggest compiling
it as a module so that an "M" shows up next to it in the square

For compiling the kernel, do:

make depend
make bzImage (but this depends on the architecture; for i386 I like this)
make modules
make modules_install

The modules_install places the modules in the /lib/modules directory.

"Deepak Kotian" <dkotian3@vsnl.net> writes:
> The network card seems to be rtl8139. Where could one find .deb
> packages or insatallables for these packages ?

It's a part of the kernel but can be compiled:

1) Into the kernel (I don't recommend this one because it's less


2) As a module.

When the compilition is done (and the modules compilation if using
step (2) above), be sure ad do "make modules_install". That "installs"
the modules by placing them in a standard location (/lib/modules).

> Please also Note: why would 2.4.18(kernel built from kernel.org
> site) kernel boot is NOT on network and 2.2.19 kernel is on network
> and it is the same machine.

Most likely because the module utilities (modutils) aren't able to
find the modules.


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