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Re: Rock solid no GUI pim?

* m2@plusseven.com [2002-04-26 13:20]:

> A couple of months ago I ditched GUI mail programs for ever. I'm now a
> happy mutt user. Now I'm looking for A) a calendar program

plan, but it is an GUI program.

> B) an address book, that are as non graphical,

For mutt I recommend

    - abook, an address book and

    - lbdb, little brother's database, something like Emacs' BBDB; you
      can pipe all incoming mails in it (e.g. with procmail) and it
      stores all email addresses.

Both, abook and lddb, can be queried by mutt for email addresses.


    #   query for email addresses
    set query_command="lbdbq '%s'"
    # no lbdb, just abook
    #set query_command="abook --mutt-query '%s'"


    # what should be queried when asked by mutt (ascending priority)
    METHODS="m_passwd m_inmail m_muttalias m_abook"

> stable and as versatile as mutt.

Both work and never had a failure, at least for me.

> Anything that works with emacs gets a plus.

Sorry, no emacs here. ;-)

But if you usually use emacs, you could switch to it entirely -- use VM
or Gnus as mail clients.


Ralf Arens                         TU Clausthal
Tel.: 0049-5323-72-3852            Institut für Elektrische Informationstechnik
Fax.: 0049-5323-72-3197            Leibnizstr. 28, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
pgpkey: https://www.iei.tu-clausthal.de/pgp-keys/ralf.key.asc

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