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file uri in sources.list, "archive" format?


I managed to build a bunch of packages for kernel 2.4.18
from the kernel-source-2.4.18 (headers, image, doc, source)
and I'd like to install them.  I was thinking I should
put them in a local directory and refer to that directory
as a file URI in sources.list... but I'm guessing that
the file uri should point to an "archive" which should
have a certain directory structure (like on debian
cd's) right?  And there should be package index files?
So my question is, how do I make that index file,

and does anyone have any other advice re this approach
(eg, don't bother, just install using dpkg, or whatever).

I wonder if I install using dpkg if the apt-get system
will know I have those packages?

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