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fetchmail daemon dies, won't restart

I'm running a daemonized fetchmail at work, ~1000 messages daily.

Periodically the daemon dies.  No good reason.  OK, I can deal with
that.  Create an /etc/cron.d/fetchmail file with the following:

    3/15 *   * * *     root /etc/init.d/fetchmail start 1>/dev/null

...which should restart fetchmail every fifteen minutes.

Problem is, it doesn't.

I've changed the inovcation to read:

    3,18,33,48 *   * * *     root /etc/init.d/fetchmail start 1>/dev/null

Checking just now, the daemon's still running.

This gets pretty old, really fast, given I live and die by email....

Ideas?  Thanks.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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