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Re: Has anyone used the debian CD...

kotian posts :

> If the version is  2.4.17 based or later. Then I may  buy the book for
> the sake of CD

This O'Reilley book comes with `slink' which is older than `potato'.  No
way you get the 2.4.x series of the kernel.  Do not buy the book for the
sake of the CD, both are not worth the rupees you are going to spend.

> Any help on this would be appreciated.

If you are around Kochi, I can mail you a set of Potato CDs provided you
mail  me the  media.   There is  nothing  like waiting  it  out for  the
imminent release of `woody'.  You may have that later and I can help you
get that too.

((__-^^-,-^^-__)) ragOO, VU2RGU<->http://gnuhead.dyndns.org/<->GPG: 1024D/F1624A6E     
 `-_---' `---_-'         Helping to keep the  Air-Waves FREE         Amateur Radio
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