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Re: Kernel panic: NO INIT FOUND, but seems to be there.

On Tue, 2002-04-23 at 04:24, Alessandro Ghigi wrote:
> Hi!
> Thank you for your answer. I have tried passing to the boot prompt
> linux root=/dev/hda9 init=/sbin/init,
> but the result is the same as before. Actually /sbin is on the root
> partition.
> I guess the reason why my system hanged, was that I tried suspending to
> disk while my ethernet card was working. It hanged while writing
> a huge list of messages on the console. I shut the power down, and now it
> does not work.
> Do you have any other ideas what to try? Should I reinstall everything? I
> hope there is something more to try.

I assume you don't have backups. Try using a rescue disk to boot into a
working linux system. mount the disks in the right structure somewhere,
like under /mnt. Mount all the disks so you have your complete broken
system under /mnt. Then chmod into it like

chmod /mnt /bin/bash

Then you'll be running a bash shell inside your system, with the kernel
and init from the rescue system. This is an ideal spot to do repairs
from. Try seeing if init is working. Try 

ldd /sbin/init

and see if its linking properly.

As for fixing things, you could re-install the base debian packages. The
'sysvinit' package is the package with init in it. Maybe get it to your
broken system somehow, and then from the chmod'ed environment use dpkg
to install it (you may have to force it).

You could try installing a new kernel incase its the kernel thats been
corrupted (perhaps).

Just some ideas.

Kind Regards.
Crispin Wellington.

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