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Re: Building kernel-image with kpkg

>>"Panuganty," == Panuganty, Ramesh <Ramesh.Panuganty@compaq.com> writes:

 Ramesh>  Yeah, you need the link from /usr/src/linux ->
 Ramesh>  /usr/src/<kernel_ver_sources> to ease while
 Ramesh>  applying kernel patches etc...

	Any kernel patch that assumes source live in /usr/src/linux is
 clueless enough that is is bound to be badly broken. Avoid such
 kernel patches like the plague.  Most patches do not really care
 where your source tree lives. 

 Ramesh>  You may also thinking of creating this link

 Ramesh>  mv /usr/include/linux /usr/include/linux.org (this would be
 Ramesh>  a directory) /usr/include/linux ->
 Ramesh>  /usr/src/linux/include/linux

	You should *NO* do that. 

	Time for a repost. This is README.headers



    $Id: README.headers,v 1.7 1998/07/14 21:18:38 srivasta Exp $

 This is the Debian GNU/Linux prepackaged version of the Linux kernel
 headers. Linux was written by Linus Torvalds
 <Linus.Torvalds@cs.Helsinki.FI> and others.

 This package was put together by Simon Shapiro <Shimon@i-Connect.Net>, from
 sources retrieved from directories under

 This package contains the Linux kernel header files. 

		 Kernel Headers and libc6-dev package

		    Need for kernel include files
                    ==== === ====== ======= =====
	Even though GNU libc 2.0 (a.k.a. libc6) provides an uniform
 interface to C programmers, one should realize that it needs
 different underpinnings on different architectures and operating
 systems (remember, glibc2 is multi-OS).

	glibc provides all the standard files that the C standard and
 POSIX require, and those in turn call in OS and platform specific
 headers as required transparently to the user. There is an a complete
 divorce of the kernel-level interface from the user-level interface:
 the application programmer does not need to know kernel level details
 at all.

	 But this has been taken by some to mean that
 /usr/include/{linux,asm} would be superfluous, which is a technical
 impossibility given that glibc2 is not an architecture and OS
 specific library.

        I do not believe it is easy for glibc to present an interface
 that does not match the underlying OS, and quite possibly people just
 punted. If there is a mismatch between the user level structures and
 the kernel level structures, then libc6 library shall have to install
 translating wrappers around system calls (not such a great idea for
 high performance systems). I can foresee cases where it would not be
 possible to implement these wrappers, given a sufficiently large set
 of architectures and OS's.

	In the case of Linux, the kernel header files are the
 underpinnings of the architecture independent interface.

	Take a simple general ANSI C include file like <errno.h>. This
 in turn includes /usr/include/errnos.h, which includes
 /usr/include/linux/errno.h, which in turn includes
 /usr/include/asm/errno.h. See? A simple, standard include file like
 <errno.h>, and one needs kernel include files for that.

		   Traditional two symlink approach
                   =========== === ======= ========          

 	Under libc5, it was standard for part of the user interface to
 libc to be exported from the kernel includes, via /usr/include/linux
 and /usr/include/asm.  Traditionally, this was done by linking those
 two directories to the appropriate directories in
 /usr/src/linux/include.  This is the method documented in the install
 instructions for the kernel sources, even today.

			   Why that is bad
                           === ==== == ===

 	Kernel headers no longer make sense exporting to user space
 (in early days of Linux, that was not true). It is beginning to get
 harder to synchronize the libc and the kernel headers as in the old
 days; now linking with the latest kernel headers may subtly break new
 code since the headers linked with are different from the compiled
 library. In addition, the specter of programs breaking with new
 kernel headers was preventing needed new features from being added to
 the kernel (and damping innovative experimentation in kernel
 development) (see appendix A for details).
  	Besides, the kernel itself no longer needs /usr/include/linux/* 
  at all, so keeping the libc and kernel headers the same aren't
  needed for kernel development.

        The headers were included in Debian's libc5-dev after a rash
 of very buggy alpha kernel releases (1.3.7* or something like that)
 that proceeded to break compilations, etc.  Kernel versions are
 changed far more rapidly than libc is, and there are higher chances
 that people install a custom kernel than they install custom libc.

        Add to that the fact that few programs really need the more
 volatile elements of the header files (that is, things that really
 change from kernel version to kernel version), [before you reject
 this, consider: programs compiled on one kernel version usually work
 on other kernels]. For the few that do need specific kernel headers,
 use -I/usr/src/kernel-headers-<version> or some thing for a specific
 kernel version, or -I/usr/src/linux/include for the latest set of
 headers installed..

        Most programs, even if they include <linux/something.h>, do
 not really depend on the version of the kernel, as long as the kernel
 versions are not too far off, they will work. And the headers
 provided in libc5-dev (and libc6-dev) are just that. 

 	Consider this: Namespace contention between the C library and
 the kernel (GNU libc is not a Linux only entity) Also, different
 library versions want different #defines and type defines in
 different places. Some libraries want to define their own FD_SET,
 while older ones want to get the kernel ones.
 	This is a mess. Kernel headers can't change anymore, even when
 the interfaces are not really changing, since one does not know
 what breaks in userland libraries. 


	 The solution is to separate out the two sets of header files:
 the kernel uses one frequently changing set, and a set of headers is
 provided from a known good kernel version, which is tested, known to
 be stable, and that is sufficient for compiling most programs, (it
 also makes the compile time environments for programs on Debian
 machines a well known one, easing the process of dealing with problem

			Debian's libc5 method
                        ======== ===== ======

	It was decided, then, to have libc5 development package include
 files found one specific kernel-sources to insulate most systems from
 the vagaries of bleeding edge kernel sources, and to prevent subtle
 breakage introduced by the difference in the headers a program is
 compiled versus headers the libc was compiled with. As mentioned
 before, most programs are not coupled tightly enough to kernel data
 structures, and would continue to work even if the user upgrades the
 kernel (and presumably the libc development package is not allowed to
 lag too far behind current kernels).

        There are two different capabilities which are the issue, and
 the kernel-packages and libc5-dev address different ones:

 a) The kernel packages try to provide a stable, well behaved kernel
    and modules, and may be upgraded whenever there are significant
    advances in those directions (bug fixes, more/better module
    support, etc).  These, however, may not have include files that
    are non-broken as far as non-kernel programs are concerned, and
    the quality of the development/compilation environment is not the
    kernel packages priority (Also, please note that the kernel
    packages are tied together, so kernel-source, headers, and image
    are produced in sync)

 b) Quality of the development/compilation environment is the priority
    of libc development package, and it tries to ensure that the headers it
    provides would be stable and not break non-kernel programs. This
    assertion may fail for alpha kernels, which may otherwise be
    perfectly stable, hence the need for a different set of known-good
    kernel include files.

		   Shortcoming of the libc5 method
                   =========== == === ===== ======

	Unfortunately, the proposal for libc5 is beginning to unravel
 at the edges, since Debian is going truly multi-architecture (and there
 are murmurs of multi-OS Debian). 

	The reason I say that the solution is unraveling at the edges
 is that the kernel header files are getting to be quite architecture
 dependent. We still want to make libc6-dev include headers from a
 well known stable kernel source. But there is no one set of headers
 to install, since different architectures need different (sometimes
 radically different) files. 

	If libc development packages continued to include kernel
 headers explicitly, we would need different headers for different
 architectures, resulting in libc6-dev-i386, libc6-dev-m68k, et. al.
 Or we could maintain all the files in libc6-dev as a set of (quite
 large) arch dependent patches. But those files are precisely the
 files contained in kernel-headers-2.0.32.

	Even in the case of more than one architecture sharing a
 common kernel-header file set, all I say is that this invariant is
 not guaranteed for any future releases. Kernel headers need not be the
 same for any two given architectures. Any solution would do well to
 address that.

	However, the following still remains true: the libc
 development packages should include a static, stable, tested, known
 good kernel headers to insulate developers from the vagaries of
 unstable kernel headers (and the subtler pitfall of compiling with
 headers that do not match the libc being linked with).

		      Debian's old libc6 method
		      ======== === ===== ======

	The previous solution was a variant of the original, bad,
 symlink solution. The variation was that we link to header files from
 a specific kernel version, namely 2.0.32, which are the headers that
 libc was compiled with. Whereas we used to link to any old kernel in
 the original libc5 symlink, the new libc6 symlink was to
 /usr/src/kernel-header-2.0.32, which holds headers from a *static,
 well known*, *supported*, tested kernel version, and we let the
 kernel-headers package handle architecture dependencies (which it had
 to anyway).

	One should also consider that the libc maintainer has enough
 on their plates, and should not be expected to be responsible for the
 creation and testing of the arch dependent diffs.

	Coupled with the fact that the afore-mentioned diffs are
 exactly what is there in kernel-headers package, it exists already,
 and requires no work on the part of the libc maintainer.

        So, a dependency was created on kernel headers rather than
 create kernel header sized architecture dependent diffs. The
 dependency was such that it libc6-dev linked to the directory

	At one point libc6-dev pointed to /usr/src/linux-2.0.32, which
 was a symbolic link. This link was provided by just the packages
 kernel-source-2.0.32 or kernel-headers-2.0.32, and *no other* kernel
 package. However, that was pointed out to be an error, since the
 headers required are architecture dependent, as is
 kernel-headers-<version>, but kernel-source-<version> is an arch: all
 (arch independent package), and hence does not provide kernel headers
 that meet libc6 requirements.

	 So, libc6-dev depends could then provide 2.0.32 kernel
 headers *for all architectures*, with no messy architecture dependent
 patches, we always had fixed, static, known good headers in
 /usr/include/{linux,asm}, and this was goodness. Or was it?

        This was a working technical solution to having libc
 development package contain/depend on a well known static set of
 kernel headers (insulating the vast majority of programs that are not
 closely tied to kernel version specific internal data structures),
 while allowing the kernel headers to vary from architecture to
 architecture, and still allowing device driver authors from having
 any set of kernel headers they want on the machine through the simple
 artifice of adding a -I flag to the compilation flags.

	Indeed, had we thought of the this solution in libc5
 days it would have been cleaner (and produced less confusion now).
 The solution of having libc5-dev depend on kernel-headers-X.XX.XX
 wold have worked just as well in the libc5 case as it did in the libc6
 case.  I don't see a change in the situation, just a switch to an
 equivalent, possibly cleaner, solution.  

		 Shortcoming of the old libc6 method
		 =========== == === === ===== ======
	Even though the method for libc6 outlined above was a working
 technical solution, it was confusing to the users, who did not
 understand why the kernel sources could not be substituited in place,
 and what happened when the went to a new kernel version. This
 confusion led us to believe that human factors dictated that a new,
 less confusing solution had to be implemented.

		  Variations on the old libc6 method
		  ========== == === === ===== ======

	The interim solution was an amalgam of the libc5 and the old
 libc6 solutions. A new package, libc-kheaders, was created, and
 libc6-dev depended on it. libc-kheaders contained the a well known
 static set of kernel headers, which were identical to the set of
 headers used in the libc6 solution outlined above, except that the
 headers unpacked in /usr/include/{linux,asm}, and no symbolic links
 were used at all. So, in some respects, we reverted to the libc5
 solution of no symlinks in /usr/include, while retaining the
 flexibility of allowing for the different needs for different
 architectures. It was my hope that this method would be less

                      Debian's New libc6 method
                      ======== === ===== ======
	Unfortunatly, it turned out that having libc depend on an
 external package was too confusing for some users. Getting rather
 weary of answering the questions on the users list, and explaining
 again why a separation between the kernel and application headers was
 desirable, the decision was made to ship *ALL* headers, irrspective
 of architecture, for a particular kernel version in libc6 package
 itself. So, no external packages. So much for the elegance of the old
 libc6 method. We are now back to brute force, including all headers
 for every architecture. 

  Authors response to complaints that Debian is doing it's own thing
  ======= ======== == ========== ==== ====== == ===== ==== === =====

       Yes, Debian is different. It has a package management
 system. Different part of Debian work with each other. There are
 assumptions part of the distribution make about itself, and because
 of this set of co-operating assumptions, or rules, or policy, Debian
 is better integrated than most Linux distributions I have seen. 

        We often do not do things the "standard" way. Like when we
 started including /usr/include/{linux,asm} directories instead of
 having symlinks. It is different. And was acknowledged to be
 technically superior. 

        Again, we are making changes that shall not be reflected in
 other distributions. I think we are making the technically superior
 choice. But we shall be different again.

       I think this solution works. It is not as elegant as depending
 on an externel libc-kheaders package, but we can't have everything.


			      Appendix A
                              ======== =

        This document contains comments from Linus Torvalds (made in
 an ``off-the-cuff'' personal email) to help clarify the rationale
 behind the Debian way of handling symlinks, but this should not be
 seen as an official policy statement by Linus. I'm attaching a
 disclaimer in his own words.

        The only reason that Linus's message is quoted in here is that
 he can explain the technical reasons with far more lucidity than I
 can, and now that I have permission to include his mail, I am
 removing most of my far less facile efforts in that regard. 

	Need for isolating the C development Library from volatile
	kernel headers

>> "David" == David Engel <david@sw.ods.com> said on Mon, 24 Feb 1997
>> "Linus" == Linus Torvalds said on Mon, 24 Feb 1997

David> Hi Linus,
David> No matter how well we try to explain ourselves, the symlinks issue
David> keeps coming up.  Would you mind if we used your message below in
David> our responses?

Linus> Sure. Don't make it "the word of God" - please point out that
Linus> it was a off-the-bat personal reply to a question concerning
Linus> this, and while I'm more than happy to have the email
Linus> circulated it shouldn't be seen as a "official" document in any
Linus> way..
Linus> Linus

>> "Linus" == Linus Torvalds said on Wed, 22 Jan 1997:

Linus> The kernel headers used to make sense exporting to user space,
Linus> but the user space thing has grown so much that it's really not
Linus> practical any more. The problem with Debian is just that they
Linus> are different, not that they are doing anything wrong. That
Linus> leads to differences between the distributions, and that in
Linus> turn obviously can result in subtle problems.

Linus> As of glibc, the kernel headers will really be _kernel_
Linus> headers, and user level includes are user level
Linus> includes. Matthias Ulrich did that partly because I've asked
Linus> him to, but mainly just because it is no longer possible to try
Linus> to synchronize the libc and the kernel the way it used to
Linus> be. The symlinks have been a bad idea for at least a year now,
Linus> and the problem is just how to get rid of them
Linus> gracefully. Personally, I'm counting on glibc, which we are
Linus> already using on alpha.

Linus> Just to give you some idea of exactly why the includes really
Linus> can't be handled by simple symlinks: the main problem is
Linus> version skew. Lots of people want to upgrade their library
Linus> without affecting the kernel, and probably even more people
Linus> want to be able to upgrade their kernel without affecting their
Linus> compilation environment. Right now doing that has been
Linus> extremely fragile.

Linus> Just to give _one_ example of why the symlinks are bad: NR_OPEN
Linus> and "fd_set". I have had no end of problems making NR_OPEN
Linus> larger in the kernel, exactly _because_ of the damn
Linus> sym-links. If I just make NR_OPEN larger (the right thing to
Linus> do), the problem is that people with old libraries will now
Linus> compile against a header file that doesn't match the library
Linus> any more. And when the library internally uses another  NR_OPEN
Linus> than the new program does, "interesting" things happen.

Linus> In contrast, with separate header files, this doesn't make any
Linus> difference.  If I change NR_OPEN in the kernel, the compilation
Linus> environment won't notice UNTIL the library and associated
Linus> header files are changed: thus the user will continue to compile
Linus> with the old values, but because we'll still be binary
Linus> compatible, the worst thing that happens is that new programs
Linus> won't take advantage of new features unless the developer has
Linus> upgraded his library. Compare that to breaking subtly.

Linus> NR_OPEN is just _one_ example, and actually it's one of the
Linus> easier ones to handle (because the only thing that really makes
Linus> much of a difference when it comes to NR_OPEN is the fd_set
Linus> size - but it certainly bit some people). Another major problem
Linus> is name-space pollution: the POSIX/ANSI/XOpen rules are not
Linus> only complex, but they are actually contradictory too. And the
Linus> kernel header files really can't reasonably support all of the
Linus> intricacies very cleanly.

Linus> One specific example of why we want separate header files for
Linus> libraries and kernel is offered by glibc: Matthias wanted to
Linus> have a "sigset_t" that will suffice for the future when the
Linus> POSIX.1b realtime signals are implemented. But at the same time
Linus> he obviously wants to be able to support programming on
Linus> Linux-2.0 and the current 2.1 that do not have that support.

Linus> The _only_ reasonably clean way to handle these kinds of
Linus> problems is to have separate header files: user programs see a
Linus> larger sigset_t, and then the library interaction with the
Linus> kernel doesn't necessarily use all of the bits, for
Linus> example. Then later, when the kernel support is actually there,
Linus> it's just a matter of getting a new shared library, and voila,
Linus> all the realtime signals work.

Linus> The symlink approach simply wouldn't work for the above: that
Linus> would have required everybody who uses the library to have a
Linus> recent enough kernel that whatever magic all the above entails
Linus> would be available in the kernel header files. But not only
Linus> don't I want to pollute the kernel header files with user level
Linus> decisions, it's actually possible that somebody wants to run
Linus> glibc on a 1.2.x kernel, for example. We _definitely_ do not
Linus> want him to get a 32-bit sigset_t just because he is happy with
Linus> an old kernel.

Linus> Anyway, this email got longer than intended, but I just wanted
Linus> to make clear that the symlinks will eventually be going away
Linus> even in non-Debian distributions. Debian just happened to do it
Linus> first - probably because Debian seems to be more interested in
Linus> technical reasons than any old traditions. And technically, the
Linus> symlinks really aren't very good.

Linus> The _only_ reason for the symlinks is to immediately give
Linus> access to new features in the kernel when those happen. New
Linus> ioctl numbers etc etc. That was an overriding concern early on:
Linus> the kernel interfaces expanded so rapidly even in "normal"
Linus> areas that having the synchronization that symlinks offered was
Linus> a good thing.

Linus> However, the kernel interfaces aren't really supposed to change
Linus> all that quickly any more, and more importantly: the technical
Linus> users know how to fix things any way they want, so if they want
Linus> a new ioctl number to show up they can actually edit the header
Linus> files themselves, for example. But having separation is good
Linus> for the non-technical user, because there are less surprises
Linus> and package dependencies.

Linus> Anyway, something like the patch that David suggested will
Linus> certainly go in, although I suspect I'll wait for it to become
Linus> "standard" and the glibc first real release to take place.

 People love high ideals, but they got to be about 33-percent
 plausible. The Best of Will Rogers
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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