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Re: re-installing dpkg when dpkg is borked

On Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 12:11:40AM -0500, Gary Turner wrote:
> My dpkg is apparently broken.  I suspect that a file or three is either
> missing, can't be found for some reason, or is lying in some foul
> gutter, corrupted by too close an association with a certain lower class
> OS.  Either I must recreate/locate the missing file(s), or re-install
> dpkg.
> Problems:
> 	1.  I don't know what files should where.  dpkg -I can't help, it's
> borked :-/.  Is there a config file somewhere?

Depends what's going wrong. Could you post the error messages?

> 	2.  How do you install dpkg if dpkg is broken?  Since I have yet to
> compile any packages, doing so for a critical app is not high on my list
> of druthers.  Find a .tar.gz pkg?

Yep. Get project/dpkg/dpkg-$(VERSION)_$(ARCH).nondebbin.tar.gz from your
Debian mirror (so dpkg-1.6.15_i386.nondebbin.tar.gz etc. for potato and
dpkg-1.9.20_i386.nondebbin.tar.gz etc. for woody/sid) and unpack it in
the root directory.


Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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