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Re: my isp is being told *i* am broadcasting spam?

On Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 02:51:51AM -0400, Shawn McMahon wrote:
> That probably works on a small network.  Try it with several thousand
> servers and 200,000 users, not counting internet customers.  Or try it
> with an ISP, where you can't control the configuration on ANY of the
> users' computers.

You would firewall an ISP's network???  I would switch providers
immediately if my ISP ever did such a thing.  (note that I have no
problem with them filtering specific ports for a limited time if they're
causing specific damage.)

As I've said previously today, I am responsible for the security of a
high-profile network (i.e. constantly being scanned and/or actively
attacked) with hundreds of users and *no firewall*.  Security issues are
few and far between, and not a single box under my direct control has
ever been cracked.  Users are welcome to put whatever they want on the
network, but they're dealt with quickly if they present a security


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