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OT: Linux on Walmart's systemless computers

On 14 Apr 2002, Brian Nelson wrote:

> Oh yeah?  Then will does your Intel chip likely say it was assembled in
> Malaysia or Costa Rica?  And how many of Intel's engineers are actually
> American?

Actually, all Intel chips are manufactured up the street from where I
live.  Most Intel engineers are Oregonian.  As far as companies,
especially tech companies, go, you just don't get more Oregonian than

> *Every* large American corporation outsources their manufacturing plants
> to 3rd world sweatshops.  Intel, Walmart, Nike, Gap, GM... they're all
> the same.

Nike pays the highest wages of any apparel company anywhere in the world
and has multiple watchdog groups that all agree that Nike hasn't been
using sweatshops since it was brought to thier attention that a
subcontractor was using them in the early 1990s.  Nike's act is clean,
please do your research.

Oregonian, not American.

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