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Re: Maildir performance & mutt (was Re: Someone tell me the secret of mutt)

begin  David B Harris  quotation:

> P.S.: Fastest MUA I can bear? Sylpheed. It bites that it's GTK+ and not
> console/text, but despite that it's still the fastest fullscreen/gui
> mailer I found, and is faster than many CLI(mail, nmh, etc) clients to
> boot.

Sylpheed opens folders very quickly because it keeps its own index file
in each folder, and so does not need to read headers from every file.
Since Sylpheed uses MH format, which requires a folder lock any time you
want to modify a folder, it can do this without any real disadvantage.
Maildir, however, does not need folder locks, so adding an index file
(which would have to be locked for modification) seems like a bad idea.


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