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Re: reply

On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 09:46:31AM +0000, Quenten Griffith wrote:
| Is there anyway the list can be setup so when you hit Reply that it 
| Replies to "debian-user@lists.debian.org" instead of the name of the 
| person that sent the message.

You're using mozilla.  The only way you can coerce it to behave nicely
is to munge the message itself before mozilla sees it.  The listmaster
isn't about to do that (I hope!), so it is left for you to do with
procmail or some other tool.  You are asking to add a Reply-To: header
with the list as the address it contains.  Some other MUAs (gnus,
mutt) have a "list reply" feature with which you can tell it what the
list addresses are and it knows how to reply directly to the list
without further intervention or munging.



If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not
in us.
        I John 1:8

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