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How is my network-card module getting loaded?

I've been running a 2.2.19 kernel for a while (every brief foray into
2.4 land caused me to immediately go back to 2.2).  Once again, i'm
giving it a try, though (2.4.18).  I booted into it and there's no
module loaded for my network card (which i didn't even remember what
it was).  So, while in 2.4, i looked around my 2.2 configuration for
some sign of what i was loading there and couldn't find anything.

Reboot back into 2.2.19, do an lsmod and i see 'via-rhine'.  No idea
what is loading it though (it doesn't appear in /etc/modutils).  I've
grepped everything in /etc/modutils and all the rc#.d directories and
i can't find a clue as to how that module is getting loaded.  How??
(I've got mostly a woody/sid system).

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