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Re: [linux-audio-user] sequencers in Debian Woody

Juha Erkkila wrote:
> i admit i could look a little deeper into muse, but so far i've
> preferred ALSA 0.5, because Soundtracker, Ecasound and Timidity in
> Woody are compiled for 0.5, and i'm quite probably going to use these
> apps a lot (i know that at least Ecasound can be compiled for ALSA
> 0.9, i'm not sure about the other two)
> so, does any of you have any suggestions what i should try to do with
> these sequencers? 

I'm not very familiar with the protocol for asking debian package
maintainers to change things. What would it take to have the
Soundtracker, Ecasound and Timidity debian packages converted to alsa

In genreal, it would really be beneficial to the usability of debian for
working with sound if the audio apps packages in the distribution were
to move away from alsa 0.5.x. As I understand it alsa 0.9.x should be
considered the mainstream release and 0.5.x should only be kept around
for historical reference. 

I know this isn't a good short term solution to Juha Erkkila's problem,
but for the longterm it is the way things ought to go, IMHO.

-Eric Rz.

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