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Re: URGENT: Please help !

FFF wrote:

My sytem is stucked it starts ok, mounts the drives and starts the
processes in init2 but when it starts samba smb, it GET's DEAD the
cursor stops blinking and I can do nothing, What can I do ??
I restarted several times it does fsck on the drives, mounts them and
then again when it gets to samba , DEAD !!!


Debian Woody 3.0

Try booting linux in single user mode. This starts up with the bare minimum of stuff running (ie it doesn't get to runlevel 2). From here you can check the syslog to find out what's causing the problem or disable possible culprits (I'd guess at whatever starts up after Samba).

To boot into single user mode type 'linux single' at the lilo prompt (if thats what your using) or the debian install disk can be used to rescue the system. I can't remember the syntax for the rescue disk but it does explain in the messages that appear on screen (there was also an email today which explained how to do this but I've deleted it already :-( ).

NB When in single user mode only the root partition is mounted, so you won't have access to the full file system or network etc...


Jason Chambers (jason.chambers@ntlworld.com)
Leicester, England

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