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Re: Chrooted Debian install from base image (was Re: Instalation question: Toshiba TECRA 8000)

On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 05:52, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> This is a draft of a HOWTO I'm working on for doing a chrooted Debian 
> install.  It's a method I've found useful over the years.


I wonder if you would find this link on the gentoo site useful.  IMO it
is the most elegant set of instructions for a chroot install I've used. 
I think its because chroot is the _only_ way to install Gentoo.

They also have an altinstall page where you can install from a single
floppy and NFS.  The instructions on how to use mount -o loop for a cd
are really useful if you only have an iso image.

In a lot of ways, Gentoo has a site that has more useful tutorials and
tips than most Linux resources because their lead developer does them
for IBM. http://www.gentoo.org/index-articles.html is well worth a

BTW, I stopped using Gentoo after a week or so.  It is a lovely distro
and portage has the potential to be as good as dpkg.  Its very modern
and up to date - having a small developer and small number of apps helps
them a lot.

But Debian is better in that its more solid (Gentoo installs seem to
work when the mood takes them or else just chew up your cpu for a couple
of hours before bombing out).  I run a mix of testing/unstable and it
seems like only a couple of hours from things being released by Ximian
or whoever. And you get all the compiling from source benefits as well
with the deb-src things.

I only wish that I could get the apt-get source only things to stick.  I
used it for a few apps only to have them overwritten by binaries on my
next apt-get update && apt-get upgrade.  However, like most things in
IT, its a question of rtfm-ing I suppose ;-)


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