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Re: Building a single user Internet terminal

On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 21:33, Shawn McMahon wrote:
> begin  quoting what Crispin Wellington said on Sun, Apr 07, 2002 at 08:44:06PM +0800:
> > 
> > Have the whole system use ext3. Have no shutdown at all (just switch it
> > off like a stereo)
> Jeebus.  Do you tell people with airbags to not bother using their
> brakes, just go ahead and hit a tree to stop?

hehe. No.

> ext3 decreases the likelihood of you losing data doing this, but it does
> not make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to lose data doing this.

Have faith in ext3. Your filesystem integrity will be fine. How much
precious data do you keep on a kiosk any how?

If worried, mount the whole system read only. Have a small r/w partition
thats re-formatted on boot and created in a default state by un tarring
a tar ball. Sym link all files that need writing into there. Even
better, make it a ram disk.

Then just power off, willy nilly :) Its not windows.

I built a linux kiosk image a few years ago that ran completely of an
autobooting CD-ROM. Read only is tricky to get working, but helps with
the power off problem. This was back in the days before journalling

> There are many other better solutions.  One, if they will always be
> shutting down from the console, is to edit /etc/inittab so that
> ctrl-alt-del does a shutdown -h instead of a shutdown -r.

Thats a good idea too. Unless you're in X.


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