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Re: installing Gnome

On Sun, 2002-04-07 at 20:05, Michael Palmer wrote:
> hello,
> i need help installing Ximian gnome on my debian 2.2r5 system. I have 300+ .deb files for the gnome installation. I type "dpkg -iEG *.deb" and its gets to a certain lib and says "segmentation error" 
> please help.

I installed it on a potato system ages ago by downloading all the debs,
sticking them in a directory hierachy, using dpkg-scanpackages to create
the Packages file, adding this location as a source in my source.list
and then apt-get installing task-ximian-gnome.

Its a little indepth, and the scripts to lay it out and run
dpkg-scanpackages is at work. If no one has a better solution, Ill post
it tomorrow.

Kind Regards
Crispin Wellington

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