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Re: routing help on dual homed box

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On Sunday 06 January 2002 8:22 pm, dman wrote:
> I wrote /etc/init.d/FIREWALL, a shell script I wrote to configure
> iptables.  Then I added a symlink to it
> $ ls -l /etc/rc2.d
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           20 Aug 19 16:59 S13FIREWALL ->
> /etc/init.d/FIREWALL
> The iptables rules use 'eth1' to refer to the external interface, not
> a hard-coded IP since it can't be known ahead of time.

Just to be a bit pedantic.  Firewall really needs to come up just before you 
connect to the network.  In debian the /etc/init.d/ifupdown script is 
executed as the symlink S39ifupdown in /etc/rcS.d so I have a firewall script 
in /etc/init.d (/etc/init.d/firewall) that is linked in as S38firewall in 
/etc/rcS.d.  This causes it to be run just prior to bringing the network up.

Just to be clear on the firewall script - here is a few bits of mine - see 
how I use the shell variable $INETIF - originally this was ppp when I had a 
dial up link and I changed it to eth0 once I had cable modem and two ethernet 

#   Route packets going out from here onto a new table so that we can do
#   things with them (logging etc)
    iptables -N to-inet
#   Now make the connection to the table
    iptables -A OUTPUT -o $INETIF -j to-inet
#   Common internet Stuff
    iptables -N from-inet
#   Stuff already established is allowed
    iptables -A from-inet -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A from-inet -j LOG
    iptables -A from-inet -j DROP
#   Create a chain which protects gateway
    iptables -N inet-in
#   Allow connections to my ssh port 
    iptables -A inet-in -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A inet-in -p udp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
#   Allow boot stuff so I can configure interface
    iptables -A inet-in -p udp --dport 67:68 -j ACCEPT
#   Do Common Stuff
    iptables -A inet-in -j from-inet
#   Create table from forwarded stuff from Inet
    iptables -N inet-fwd
#   Do common stuff
    iptables -A inet-fwd -j from-inet
#   Link new tables in
    iptables -A INPUT -i $INETIF -j inet-in
    iptables -A FORWARD -i $INETIF -j inet-fwd
#   need to MASQUERADE outgoing stuff
    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o $INETIF -j MASQUERADE

I left a lot out, but what I have included is the essence of the framework.  
There is on outgoing chain (I don't stop anything from my users but I do 
occassionally like to count the packets of different sorts.  I add rules to 
the to-inet chain to count packets.

Coming in, I initially route to two chains if they are from the internet.  
inet-in and inet-fwd.  The first is to the gateway where (for instance) I 
allow an ssh connection, the second is stuff for an internal lan where I 
don't allow much, but I do add rules to allow various games protocols through.

from-inet is a chain that both type of input use and is called after each of 
the above chains have been traversed.  I allow established connections 
through, but not much else (which above is logged and dropped - you may wish 
to drop some things silently if you get a lot of them)

- -- 

  Alan - alan@chandlerfamily.org.uk
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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