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Re: Neighbor Table Overflow & Errno:111?

Thus spake Michael Dickey:
> On Friday 04 January 2002 11:24 am, Doc wrote:
> > ts.debian.org
> > Precedence: list
> > Resent-Sender: debian-user-request@lists.debian.org
> >
> > Can someone explain what the error "neighbor table overflow"
> > signifies, please?
> I recently had this message many times on two woody installs - a laptop and a 
> desktop machine. I haven't seen it since completing the installations, 
> however.
From memory, this is from a misconfigured lo - make sure you have
something like:
iface lo inet loopback
in /etc/network/interfaces so it comes up at boot. If it's not up now,
try adding those lines and ifconfig lo up should take care of it.
You will be reincarnated as a toad; and you will be much happier.

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