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Re: installing debian from RH system

On Fri, 27 Dec 2002 15:05:41 -0500 (EST)
Mark Copper <m.copper@wayne.edu> wrote:

| Hi all,
| I bought a new hard disk for a machine running RH and since some of the
| programs I need are dated I thought this would be as good a time as any to
| make my planned changeover from RH to Debian.
Good :-)
| Everything went as described in the Debian installation manual, section
| 3.7, except for a couple of small points.  For example, when I ran
| base-config, I had no opportunity to add a new user.
"adduser" (in console without "")
| I wouldn't mind doing it myself, but I'm a little confused about what
| happens when I edit lilo.conf.  If I change lilo.conf to something like
| boot=/dev/hdb5
| root=/dev/hdb5
| install=/boot/boot-menu.b
| delay=20      
# Specifies the number of _tenths_ of a second LILO should
# wait before booting the first image.  LILO
# doesn't wait if DELAY is omitted or if DELAY is set to zero.
| lba32
# Specifies the location of the map file. If MAP is
# omitted, a file /boot/map is used.
| image=/vmlinuz    # where your kernel (or link to kernel) is located)
May be also /boot/vmlinuz if the kerenel is there as in RH.
| label=Debian

| I'm worried that the MBR is still on /dev/hda.  (In fact, I think I
| received a message to the effect I needed to install the Debian package
| mbr on the disk).  And that I'll make the system unbootable.
Don't forget to make a boot floppy !!!!!
If you don't trust it, at the end of the install process, say NO to 
install lilo on the MBR and say YES to make a boot-floppy.
After the install and a reboot with the floppy you can easely install 
lilo on the MBR at hda with for ex. the boot-manager from KDE.

| I'm wondering if the new image, with a new /etc/passwd, knows the old
| root password and if I'll be able to log on even if the new image does
| boot.
Root and his passw is still there with any image (kernel).
| I'm trying to understand the lilo manual and I know similar questions have
| come up here; nevertheless, I would much appreciate any pointers.
| Thanks.
| Mark
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