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PHP/MySQL problem

OK I need a little help here, some insight into what may be going wrong.

Setting up on a Debian Woody with Apache; trying to install a PHP BB script.
I have checked in with the script folks but I need to work this from both

The PHP module is set up and working (I have uncommented the correct line in
LoadModule and the two AddType lines -- does there need to be anything like
a "script alias" for php? I still havn't figured out how scripts can be
processed in the htdocs folder safely) as is MySQL (I'm not saying nothing
can be wrong with the setup, only just that it is working as far as I can
tell). I can access the database from the box using the username and
password set up for the script. And I have run a couple of small php include
scripts and done the <?php info> thing and "mysql" was built in (but my book
says there should be a section on MySql and there was none...is there
something further that needs to be done to activate PHP/MySql interaction?).
I have double checked the spelling, and given the root directory path

What happens is I can GET the first page of the "Administration" setup
script for the BB and it appears to POST ok, and then all I get is a blank
(white) screen that tells me its done.

No error messages at all.

I checked my Norton Firewall and refers are allowed...but not recommended
while trying to set up PHP scripts...setting this up from my W2K box ftping
to the Linux box.

I uploaded the script files in ASCII and the permissions are correct.

I have checked the on-line documentation and have looked at a couple of
books but there is very little in any of them about how to set up (if that
is the problem), most are on how to use.

Any pointers, clues, hints, insights?

Best Wishes!
Mike Olds www.buddhadust.org

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