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[REPOST] Only minmal modules loaded with usermin?

[NOTE: I posted something very similar a few days ago, but I haven't
       seen any replies.  Therefore, in case my original query didn't
       go out properly, I'm trying again with this almost identical
       message.  Please forgive me if this has already shown up for you.]

I've installed both webmin and usermin under woody, but there seems to
be some sort of configuration problem with usermin: not all of its
installed and configured modules are showing up.

I installed all the webmin.* and usermin.* packages, including
`webmin-usermin'.  I have gone into "Usermin Configuration" via webmin,
into the "Available Modules" section, and I have selected all 22 modules
to be made visible to users.

I have then gone into "Module Restrictions" and made all of these
modules available to the users in question.

Under "Allowed Users and Groups", I have selected "Allow all users".

All other usermin configuration settings are reasonable.

Then, I go to the usermin page at https://my.domain.name:20000, and I
log in.  All I see are the following 4 modules:

  Disk Quotas
  Plan File
  Scheduled Commands
  Scheduled Cron Jobs

This happens no matter what user I log in as.

Where are the other 18 modules?

Even after shutting down and restarting webmin and usermin, I can't see
more than these 4 usermin modules when I log in.

And yes, I made sure to "Save" everything under the "Usermin
Configuration" section of webmin.  I know that this has worked, because
all my choices have been saved and reappear every time I go to that
configuration section.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

 Lloyd Zusman

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