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Re: when scan my eth0, it say there is another pppoe access it, need help

    "fsshl" == fsshl  <eric> writes:

    fsshl> owners at bugs debian org:

Hmm....boy, what ever made you send this over there? Don't do it

    fsshl>   after I upgrade to kernel 2.4.20 from unstable, my
    fsshl> internet network be cut, so I run pppoeconf agin, at 2nd
    fsshl> step, it scan my eht0, say sorry, it may have another pppoe
    fsshl> access it

The 2.4.20 kernel builds the network drivers as modules. You need to
know what ethernet card you have and then you need to insert the
module name in the /etc/module file to make sure the card is started
up when you boot into 2.4.20.

    fsshl> how should I modify this situation so it can connect

Find out what card you have. A good command to look up what you have
(if you have a PCI card) is 'lspci'. Also, you can try the following
command using your old 2.2 kernel (the output is from my system, you
will probably see different things):

~$ dmesg | grep eth
eth0: VIA VT6102 Rhine-II at 0xe400, 00:50:2c:03:26:a8, IRQ 11.
eth0: MII PHY found at address 1, status 0x782d advertising 01e1 Link 45e1.
eth0: Setting full-duplex based on MII #1 link partner capability of 45e1.

which tells me I have a VIA Rhine card. Now figure out what is the
driver for the VIA Rhine (hint: http://google.com :-). In this case it
is called via-rhine. So I would then boot into my 2.4.20 kernel, type
'modprobe via-rhine' and look in the dmesg output to see if my card
came up. If it does, I'd see similar output to what I have quoted
above in the end of the dmesg output. Then I would say 'ifup eth0' to
bring up the network interface and test things (you might have to
'ifdown eth0' before the 'ifup' works). If it all worked, I would add
'via-rhine' to the /etc/modules file so this was automatic on my next

    fsshl> if I used old kernel image 2.2.18, my netwrok is fine

Maybe you should stick to your old 2.2.18 kernel? It is a good kernel,
and unless there is something specific you need in 2.4.20 there is no
real reason to use it!


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