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Calling init.d script from perl daemon?


  I've spent a few hours trying and researching, but it seems that I am
  unable to call the init.d script for maradns (all others work).

  The following:

my @c = ("/etc/init.d/jabber", "start");
system @c;

@c = ("/etc/init.d/maradns", "start");
system @c;

  will start jabber, but not maradns. The second "system" call will not
  output anything, and will always return zero.

  Why does that happen? Could it have something to do with bug #164645
  ("maradns does not deamonize")?

  I was going to try a workaround (a perl script that runs as a daemon,
  and calls /etc/init.d/maradns when I ask it). That'd make it posible
  to start maradns remotely. (See the bug referreed to above)
  I've written the daemon, but it never starts or stops maradns.



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