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Re: [OT] latex, pdflatex and graphics formats

Jörg Johannes <liste_joerg@gmx.de> writes:

> Hi everybody
> For my documents, I have to use both LaTeX and pdfLaTeX. The problem I
> have is, pdflatex does not (at least per default) understand .eps and
> .ps files. So I have to convert my .eps figures from gnuplot into .png
> for pdflatex in order to use them. The other way round, "normal" LaTeX
> does not understand the .png format, so any photos or scanned-in
> images have to be converted into .ps. My question now is: Are there
> any \usepackage{s} for making use of .ps in pdflatex and .png in
> LaTeX? Anything  better than
> for i in *.eps; do convert $i `echo $i | sed s/.eps/.png/`
> ?

I use the graphicx package to include file. Depending on the command
you use to compile your latex file (eg. pdflatex or latex), the
package will look for foo.eps or foo.pdf :

\usepackage{graphicx} % mind the x not s
\includegraphics{foo} % note no .eps or .pdf suffix

You can create the pdf file with pstopdf.



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