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Re: [OT] latex, pdflatex and graphics formats

On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 13:42, Jörg Johannes wrote:
> Hi everybody
> For my documents, I have to use both LaTeX and pdfLaTeX. The problem I 
> have is, pdflatex does not (at least per default) understand .eps and 
> .ps files. So I have to convert my .eps figures from gnuplot into .png 
> for pdflatex in order to use them. The other way round, "normal" LaTeX 
> does not understand the .png format, so any photos or scanned-in images 
> have to be converted into .ps. My question now is: Are there any 
> \usepackage{s} for making use of .ps in pdflatex and .png in LaTeX? 
> Anything  better than
> for i in *.eps; do convert $i `echo $i | sed s/.eps/.png/`
> ?

You should really consider converting them to pdf, not to png, using
epstopdf. Maybe you could do this during the LaTeX run by clever
use of \DeclareGraphicsRule (i am thinking of something like 
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.eps}{.pdf}{.eps.bb}{epstopdf ...}, as you do with
gzipped eps files - i did NOT try this!).

If you have a lot of pictures, your LaTeX runs will last very loooooong
- but why should you convert ALL of the pictures EVERY time you run

I would use a Makefile like
FROM = $(subst .eps,.pdf, $(wildcard *.eps))

all:: $(FROM)

%.pdf: %.eps	
	epstopdf $< > $@

to convert only the eps files that changed to pdf. You can also use a
makefile for running LaTeX on you .tex documents ... experiment!

HTH, Stefan

> Thanks
> joerg
> --
> Yes I know this is a question for the TeX  newsgroup. This is why it's 
> marked [OT]...
Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you
will hear the voice of Satan?
That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.
Stefan Janecek
Institute of Semiconductor & Solid State Physics
Universtity of Linz/Austria                 

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