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Re: Debian connector for 'apache2-common' and 'tomcat4'

>>>>> "Emil" == Emil Hägerlund <deb-list@linuxmail.org> writes:

Emil> Hi, I used the package combination of "apache" and "tomcat" for my
Emil> web services before.  The connector was "libapache-mod-jk".  All
Emil> native Debian packages. All working fine.

Emil> Now things force me to change the setup to Apache 2
Emil> (apache2-common) and Tomcat 4 (tomcat4).  What connector is it
Emil> meant that I should use under Debian?  Is it still
Emil> "libapache-mod-jk"? Or some mod_webapp?

#apt-cache search tomcat apache
libapache2-mod-webapp - Apache 2.0 connector for the Tomcat servlet engine

This is on a sid box, but I know it's been around for a while, so it
should have made it into testing by now.

note: I haven't tried using it.

Emil> By the way... apache2 is no longer started through the normal
Emil> /etc/init.d/ scripts by default?  Is there some reason?

It gets started by default for me...

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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