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updatedb - invalid option?


I'm a newbie, so I can't configure out what I should do with the
following problem.

About a week ago, I used 'updatedb' for the last time, and it
functioned properly. In that week, I recall, I have done a
dist-upgrade, and ever since, updatedb yields this error:

Usage: updatedb [--localpaths='dir1 dir2...'] [--netpaths='dir1
	dir2...'] [--prunepaths='dir1 dir2...'] [--prunefs='fs1 fs2...']
        [--output=dbfile] [--netuser=user] [--localuser=user] 
	[--old-format] [--version] [--help]

Sounds odd to me. Have tried with --localpaths='/' and
--output='/var/lib/locate/locatedb', but with no luck.

Could anyone please help me?

Thanks in advance,

"Alles stimmt, gilt, nimmt teil und bildet
eine Vollzaehligkeit, in der nichts fehlt."

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