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Re: Locales, Mutt, OpenOffice, Emacs

On Sat, Nov 02, 2002 at 14:39:48 +0900, Tatsuya Kinoshita wrote:
> If the LANG environment variable is `en_US', Emacs uses
> iso-latin-1 for (terminal-coding-system) by default.  For UTF-8
> locales, see below.
> -- ~/.emacs -- 
> ;;(set-language-environment "Latin-1")
> ;;(setq default-input-method "latin-1-prefix")
> (let (locale)
>   (let ((vars '("LC_ALL" "LC_CTYPE" "LANG")))
>     (while (and vars (not (setq locale (getenv (car vars)))))
>       (setq vars (cdr vars))))
>   (cond
>    ((and (stringp locale)
> 	 (string-match "UTF-8\\>" locale))
>     (set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8))))
> ---- 

But even when the terminal coding system is correctly set, Emacs
still uses the ISO-8859-1 encoding for a UTF-8 input, e.g. I get
é instead of é. Emacs should either convert the UTF-8 sequence
to ISO-8859-1 or set the encoding of the file to UTF-8.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@vinc17.org> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/> - 100%
validated (X)HTML - Acorn Risc PC, Yellow Pig 17, Championnat International
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA

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