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configuring mail

hello all!

one irritating thing is happening in my mails. all mails appear to be
coming from sandip (sandip@escortsmumbai.com)! i will like them to
appear to be coming from Sandip P Deshmukh (deshmukh@escortsmumbai.com)

here are some more pieces of data. sandip is my username on my machine
and deshmukh is my username on the mail server.

here are relevant lines from /etc/exim/exim.conf:

#                    MAIN CONFIGURATION SETTINGS                     #

qualify_domain = escortsmumbai.com

# qualify_recipient =

my /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname specify my local machine as
deshmukh.work (

i tried my hand at .muttrc. here are relevant lines:

# User description ########################################################
set realname = "Sandip P Deshmukh"
#set reply_to = ask-yes
#set reverse_name = no
#set reverse_realname = yes
set from = deshmukh@escortsmumbai.com
#set gecos_mask = "^[^,]*"
#set hidden_host = no
#set hostname = ""
#set alternates = ""

what do i need to do to achieve what i want to?

thanx in advance

- sandip

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