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Re: /etc/init.d services start/stop question

On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 08:46, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
> Hi,
> i just installed shorewall and it made 2 links in /etc/rc2.d
> K99shorewall and S99shorewall. I can see why the S99
> would have to be there. Is the reason of K99 to prevent
> net access for instance when one goes "telinit S"?
> What scripts are called first, K or S?


K's are called in order as the run level is *exited* as

/etc/rc2.d/K20whatever stop

S's are called in order as the run level is *entered* as

/etc/rc2.d/S20whatever start

Is that correct?

Kind regards
Crispin Wellington

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