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Re: more galeon crashing

* martin f krafft <madduck@madduck.net> [27-10-2002 20:31]:
> remember my galeon crashing problems? i followed your advice,
> reinstalled galeon and gconf, even re-did my entire configuration, and
> now i can paste into the url bar every now and then, but it still
> crashes without a word on some paste attempts.
> right now, it just crashed while running in the background as i pasted
> something into mozilla. this is no good...

I remember that discussion, but I can't remember the specifics. So
just a few hints:

What desktop/window manager are you using? 

Perhaps you can create a test user and try various setups to see
what is causing your problem.

I am running Windowmaker and just upgraded to Galeon 1.2.6. My
desktop is a mixed bag of testing and unstable and I compiled my own
kernel and nvidia drivers. I suppose this is asking for trouble, yet
for me Galeon is very stable. Apart from some image artifacts when
scrolling (mostly on Slashdot), I have no issues at all.

I just installed the Sun Java plugin. I have no other plugins. Maybe
it's plugin related?

I started with the barest system possible and apt-getted only the
things I needed. I hope this makes troubleshooting easier when I run
into trouble with a feature I need.

When something doesn't work or causes problems, I start the
application from an xterm. More than once I got a clue from error
messages that were written to the terminal. 

Is it possible that it's hardware related? Bad memory? Which video
card are you using?

Since most people have no problems running Galeon, I am afraid
you'll need to investigate and try different things wrt to your
system or use an alternative.

Good luck,

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