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Xnest keyboard/font configuration from a script

I'd like to write a script that runs Xnest as a client with the window
manager of my choice. The problem is that Xnest doesn't respect the
keyboard or font configuration of the parent server. I've tried to run
xmodmap from the script, but I think this is only affecting the parent
X server rather than the Xnest client. If I fire up Xnest and run
xmodmap from within an xterm it does work however. As for the fonts, I
have no idea what needs doing -- I think I need to change the font
path but am not sure, and don't know how this is done for Xnest.

Here's my attempt at the script. Any pointers on how to get it doing
what I want would be fantastic.


if which $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; 
    then true;
    else echo $0: command $1 not found; exit; 

CURRENT_DISPLAY=$(echo $DISPLAY|sed -e 's/[:]//' -e 's/.[0-9]//')

# magic from http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=101921
xauth add $(hostname)/unix$NEW_DISPLAY . $MCOOKIE
xauth add localhost/unix$NEW_DISPLAY . $MCOOKIE

# the next line causes Xnest to hang for some reason
Xnest $NEW_DISPLAY -geometry 800x600&

xmodmap ~/.xmodmap-kitty # this seems to have no effect

# run command (window manager) passed on command line

xauth remove localhost/unix$NEW_DISPLAY $(hostname)/unix$NEW_DISPLAY
kill $XNEST_PID || kill -9 $XNEST_PID

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