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re: updating gnome 1.4 to gnome 2

Hi guys,

Me again!  I'm having the usual problems upgrading (similar to what I had
with kde 3 update after Thomas Schoepfe had helped me set it all up) - that
is I keep getting a 400 error - bad request.  Very annoying.  My fix is to
remove all the .debs in /var/cache/apt/archives/partial (just in case they
are corrupted) and try the apt-get install for the package that failed.  It
works 2nd time around (when it's the only thing i'm apt-get installing).
After that I then try the apt-get install gnome2 gdm2 and the bloody bastard
of a thing does it to me again...another package (one that d/l fine the
previous time) decides to fail.  This means i'm constantly d/l packages (the
same ones that i'd previously d/l) and i'm getting annoyed!  Why does it
does this?  Is it a failing of apt-get?  I mean the damn thing grabs them
2nd time around, so why not the first time?  It's only one package that
fails in the first case and it's very frustrating.  There's nothing wrong
with my connection to the net - at all.  Is apt just being stubborn or am I
just plain unlucky?  Can I move the .deb packages in the partial directory
to the archives directory? Or is nthat not wise???  I could be at this all
nite, with a huge d/l...any suggestions would be most welcome!  

Thanks in advance,


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