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Re: wheel mouse

Mirek Dobsicek <m.dobsicek@sh.cvut.cz> [2002-09-30 23:40:43 +0200]:
> > did you install the imwheel package?
> yes, I did.

I think that if you follow the other suggestions for ImPS2 and button
mapping for 4 5 that you will get your mouse to work.  You said
optical and only HP/Agilent makes the internals for those so I expect
them all to be the same regardless of who OEM'd it and put their label
on it.  At that time you might find that imwheel is getting in your
way.  Which is exactly the route I took myself when doing the same
thing you are now doing.

The imwheel package is to interpret mouse events and map them into
something else.  For example, older netscape does not know about
button 4 and 5 and therefore does not handle wheel mouse.  The imwheel
program will translate button 4/5 (wheel) into page-up/page-down keys
which the program does know about.

But it only caused be trouble since Mozilla, Galeon, Konqueror, xterm,
etc. all understand the mouse.  There is a imwheel configuration file
which you should be able to configure to pass through to some programs
but not others but I would never get it set right.  Therefore I
removed imwheel and can't recommend it unless you have a special need
for it such as an obsolete program with no understandings of button
4/5 (wheel) events.


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