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Re: nvidia and X with 2.4.19

	Why install the RPM package for the nVidia GLX driver and not
get the nvidia-glx-src package and build it along with the
nvidia-kernel-src package for the kernel patch... 

	That is what I have working here on my AMD 1Ghz Athalon at work
with a nVidia GeForce2 MX card... I haven't upgraded the kernel yet as
I'm preparing to do a re-install because of some harddrive issues but I
currently have nvidia-glx-src and nvidia-kernel-src 1.0.2960-1 compiled
against a custom 2.4.18 kernel with EVMS and VLAN patches applied...
This is working wit XFree86 4.1.0 as well... I haven't install'd any of
the 4.2 pre-release packages on this machine...


On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 09:54:57AM -0700, Jack Pistachio wrote:
> I just recently tried to get XFree86 4.1 working with the
> newest nVidia drivers (1.0-3123).  I'm running a custom
> 2.4.19 kernel and compiled the nVidia kernel drivers
> against that.  Seemed to work fine and the NVdriver modules
> installed ok (after some troubleshooting since I keep my
> kernel source elsewhere than /usr/src).  Got the rpm
> package for the nVidia GLX driver and installed that with
> alien. X starts fine now (at first run it COMPLETELY
> crashed... couldn't even do <C>-<M>-Bksp... found out later
> that was because I needed to restart the system first when
> changing from non AGP drivers to AGP drivers).
> Anyhow, the skinny is that 2-D works fine but 3-D (in quake
> 3 at least) doesn't do texturing (I assume) correctly at
> all.  I get a strange sci-fi like image of everything.
> /var/log/XFree86.0.log doesn't show any errors that would
> give any insight, and the nVidia FAQ/Troubleshoot doesn't
> specifically help either.
> Any suggestions?
> Also, X takes a lot longer to start up now.
> - jackp
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