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X popup client sought

i would like to implement a service in the LAN which pops up a window
on a workstation computer in response to an event generated on
a central server. ideally, the popup window should be displayed for
a configurable amount of time before being destroyed again. rather
than using the X protocol, xmessage, and a timeout on the server's
process (it would run there, display on the workstation, and get
killed by something like the timeout package), i would love to have
a system specifically crafted for this purpose. do you know anything
of that sort? note that samba is not running and is not an option.

and if not, could you help me make something like

  xmessage -display workstation:0

work? it always fails with "Cannot open display" even though I set
`xhost +` on the workstation's running X process. i am thinking that
it's related to X not binding port 6000 on startup, but am clueless as
to how to enable that. removing '-nolisten tcp' from
/etc/X11/xinit/xserverc on the workstation and restarting X didn't


martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck

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