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Re: debian-xemacs-version: Symbols' value as variable is void

Josef Oswald <oswald@chello.at> writes:

> Now, just in case _some-one_ does read this:


Alas I cannot answer you question.  This is just to suggest that you
might get a response on debian-emacsen@lists.debian.org 

I've got XEmacs 21.4.9 running here. I acheived this by

1.  Pointing sources list at a stable source archive

2. Running apt-get build-dep xemacs21-nomule to get all the packages
   required for compiling 21.4.6 (figured it can't be _that_ different
   for 21.4.9 ;-)

3. Installed 21.4.6 from my cd, checked o the compile options used by the
   debian compilers - saved the list as  a file.

4. Removed 21.4.6 completely, and downloaded source for 21.4.9 and the
   sumo package from xemacs.org (mirror actually)

5. Built this using the config options described in 3 above, but instead
   of make install as the final step used the checkinstall program to
   make .deb package

Quite a performance, but the result is very good indeed ;-)



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