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Re: Partition Scheme

On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 03:49, David Sanders wrote:
> I am installing Debian 3.0 Woody on a new machine with a 80GB hard drive and
> 512MB of RAM.  It will be used as a workstation.  I have read the
> installation manual, but still have questions about partitioning the disk.
> Minimum values are usually given, but no discussion of max or optimal sizes.
> The following are given in
> http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch-partitioning.en.html
> /   100MB
> /usr 500MB
> /home 100MB per user
> /var 300-500MB
> /tmp 20-50MB
> What would be the appropriate and desirable scheme for an 80GB disk?

As you can see from the other posts, there's lots of options...

You say you'll use it as a personal workstation, so I would go for

 - swap: 1G or so
 - /home: as much as you need (dunno if you collect videos or what... I
don't, so I've a 90% free 10G /home).
 - /: 15G or so
 - leave the rest unpartitioned, so you can always rearrange things

I'd make swap the first (fastest!) partition (although you'll probably
rarely need it), followed by / and /home (/home adjacent to free space,
so you'll have no problems growing it if you trust partition editors.)

If you run into troubles with /, split of /var, this should give you a
bit breathing space. You may also want to split off /usr/local or /opt,
if you have some unpackaged software installed. Depending on the
software you're using, splitting off /tmp might also be a good idea. But
all this can be done with the system already installed, so no need to
worry, as long as you have free space to create partitions in.

I would strongly advise to have /home on a partition of its own: if you
ever happen to reinstall the system, or need to transfer data to another
computer, you can use whatever partition editor you want and just be
careful with the /home partition and you won't loose any data.

-- vbi

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