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Set a Realtek 8019AS network card to half duplex - HOW?


I have a cheapo ISA Realtek8019AS card (worst Ethernet card ever built
etc.). Also, I have a cheap 10Mbit hub. The 8019AS sadly thinks that it
should operate at 10Mb Full-Duplex, featuring transfer rates around
100kB per second... (with collision rates going over the top, of

Apparently, there's no MII interface, so I can't use mii-* tools (tells
me 'operation not supported') ne2k-diag can't be told to just set the
card to half duplex, so I'm a bit stuck now.

Anybody knows how to set that card to half duplex mode?

Thanks VERY MUCH if anybody reveals a solution
-- vbi

# ne2k-diag -aa   
Checking the ethercard at 0x300.
  Receive alignment error counter (0x30d) is 00
  Passed initial NE2000 probe, value 00.
Station Address PROM    0: 00 00 00 00 b4 b4 36 36 8d 8d 92 92 20 20 20 20
Station Address PROM 0x10: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 57 57 57 57
  NE2000 found at 0x300, using start page 0x40 and end page 0x80.
The current MAC stations address is 00:00:B4:36:8D:92.
8390 page 0: 20 00 50 7f 03 00 00 00 59 46 50 70 01 00 00 00.
8390 page 1: 60 00 00 b4 36 8d 92 4c 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00.
8390 page 2: a0 4c 80 ff 46 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff cc e0 cd 80.
8390 page 3: e0 30 00 28 b0 00 70 ff 00 fe ff 37 ff ff ff ff.
This is a RTL8019AS chip in jumpered mode.
  The current settings are: IRQ 5 (enabled, I/O address 0x300,
     The transceiver is set to 10baseT or coax, selected on 10baseT link beat,
     The chip is set to full duplex.
  The EEPROM settings are: IRQ 5, I/O address 0x3a0, non-PnP mode.
     The transceiver is set to 10baseT or coax, selected on 10baseT link beat,
     The chip is set to full duplex.

# ne2k-diag -ee
Checking the ethercard at 0x300.
  Receive alignment error counter (0x30d) is 00
  Passed initial NE2000 probe, value 00.
Station Address PROM    0: 00 00 00 00 b4 b4 36 36 8d 8d 92 92 20 20 20 20
Station Address PROM 0x10: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 57 57 57 57
  NE2000 found at 0x300, using start page 0x40 and end page 0x80.
The current MAC stations address is 00:00:B4:36:8D:92.
This is a RTL8019AS chip in jumpered mode.
  The current settings are: IRQ 5 (enabled, I/O address 0x300,
     The transceiver is set to 10baseT or coax, selected on 10baseT link beat,
     The chip is set to full duplex.
  The EEPROM settings are: IRQ 5, I/O address 0x3a0, non-PnP mode.
     The transceiver is set to 10baseT or coax, selected on 10baseT link beat,
     The chip is set to full duplex.
EEPROM contents:
  00b5 ff70 0000 36b4 928d 2020 2020 2020
  2020 8914 1901 36b4 928d 0a74 1010 1a82
  5000 554c 2047 2026 4c50 5941 4520 4854
  5245 454e 2054 4143 4452 1600 8914 1901
  0002 411c 80d0 47d6 4000 e002 2003 2320
  9e38 7901 003c ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
  ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
  ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
 The word-wide EEPROM checksum is 0x7cda.

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